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Select your Location 🏁

Please select the state where you currently reside

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How did you hear about us?

Let us know how you found out about us! Your response helps us understand how to reach and serve more people like you.

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Introduce yourself πŸ‘‹πŸΌ 

Your name will be used by our doctors to personalize your treatment (if qualified).

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Please specify an answer
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What is your address? 🏠

Our pharmacy will use this information to ship your personalized treatment (if qualified).

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Please specify an answer
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Contact information πŸ“‡ 

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Let's find the right plan for you! πŸ”₯

Answer a few simple questions to find your perfect GLP-1 weight loss treatment. 

Your subscription covers the cost of:

  • check-circle-1

    Prescription medication (if qualified)

  • check-circle-1

    Licensed doctor consultations

  • check-circle-1

    Priority shipping for medication

  • check-circle-1

    24/7 Professional Support

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What is your height? πŸ•Ί

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How much do you weight? βš–οΈ

Please specify an answer
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One moment @First-Name

our system is calculating your BMI.

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Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is

@weight/(@feet *12 + @inches )(@feet *12 + @inches)*703

Please specify an answer
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Our medical weight loss plans are designed for adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher (obesity) or 27 or higher (overweight) with at least one weight-related health condition.

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Have you ever been prescribed a GLP-1 weight loss treatment?

Please specify an answer
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Have you been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1?

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Have you been diagnosed with Medullary Thyroid Cancer?

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Have you been diagnosed with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia?

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Have you been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis?

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Are you currently pregnant or breast feeding?

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Are you allergic to any medications?

Please specify an answer

Let's see if you qualify for our weight loss program @First-Name 

Congratulations πŸŽ‰

Great news! You qualify for an advanced GLP-1 oral treatment from Mycelium Pharmacy. Click 'Submit' to explore and choose the treatment that’s right for you!

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Compounded drugs are not approved by the FDA. The FDA does not verify the safety or effectiveness of compounded drugs.*
Results are contingent upon a reduced-calorie meal plan and increased physical activity. Individual results may vary. Please consult with a health care provider to determine eligibility and discuss a goal weight that is healthy and realistic for you. Cessation of GLP-1 treatment has been found to result in weight gain.
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We are sorry 😒

Based on your provided information, it appears you have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, GLP-1 medications are not recommended for individuals with Type 1 diabetes due to specific treatment requirements.

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Thank you! 

Your information has been sent to EONPro. 

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We are sorry 😒

Based on your provided information, it appears you have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, GLP-1 medications are not recommended for individuals with Type 1 diabetes due to specific treatment requirements.

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We are sorry 😒

Based on your provided information, it appears you have been diagnosed with breast feeding. Unfortunately, GLP-1 medications are not recommended for individuals with breast feeding due to specific treatment requirements.

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We are sorry 😒

Based on your provided information, it appears you have been diagnosed with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. Unfortunately, GLP-1 medications are not recommended for individuals with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia due to specific treatment requirements.

My image

We are sorry 😒

Based on your provided information, it appears you have been diagnosed with Medullary Thyroid Cancer. Unfortunately, GLP-1 medications are not recommended for individuals with Medullary Thyroid Cancer due to specific treatment requirements.


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